Laser Hair Removal in San Antonio

At RFSA Dermatology, we strive to provide you with the most advanced technologies and high quality laser services. Our professional staff listens to your skincare concerns and goals in order to create a personalized plan that will allow you to look and feel your best.

Age Spot Removal

Age spots are a cosmetic concern for many patients. They can occur on nearly any part of the body, and are often something patients want removed whether or not they bother him or her.

What to expect: Our Alexandrite laser reduces the appearance of brown spots from sun damage. This treatment takes just a few minutes, with little to no pain. Many patients are happy with one to two Alexandrite laser treatments for smaller brown spots.

Facial & Spider Veins

Facial and spider veins are small red, purple or blue vessels that develop in the face and legs. These tiny broken veins in the face cause a persistent flushed looked and have the visual effect of aging the face.

What to expect: Our GentleMax pro has an applicator to treat small vessels on the face and legs. In just 1 treatment, you will see the veins magically disappear. During your appointment, your skin will be cleaned and you will be given protective eyewear. You’ll feel a cool sensation from the gel applied and many patients refer to the pain as similar to the snapping of a rubber band against the skin. Side effects from a Candela GentleMax treatment are minimal, due to the laser’s patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) technology, which not only protects the outer layers of your skin with a cooling burst of cryogen, but also leads to increased patient comfort for the duration of the procedure. Some patients might experience some redness and swelling, but this will go away within a few days. To minimize these or other minor side effects that could occur, patients should avoid going in the sun or using abrasive cleansers immediately after treatment. Results are permanent and immediate, although some patients may have skin that is prone to these broken vessels, resulting in newly formed veins in the future. We recommend an extra level of protection with sunscreen and hats to help maintain your cleared skin.

Intense Pulsed Light therapy (IPL)

IPL is a safe, non-invasive treatment that using multiple wavelengths of intense pulsed light to treat and tighten the skin. This laser is used for rosacea (including redness and broken blood vessels), sun damaged skin, brown spots, photoaging and broken capillaries (“spider veins”). Treatment is typically done on the hands, neck and chest. IPL also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, plumping your skin to turn back the hands of time.

What to expect: Our device is the Candela that has radio-frequency delivered light, allowing for a more effective approach to treatment, as well as some skin tightening during your treatments. During your appointment, your skin will be cleaned and you will be given protective eyewear. You’ll feel a cool sensation from the gel applied and many patients refer to the pain as similar to the snapping of a rubber band against the skin. Side effects from a Candela GentleMax treatment are minimal, due to the laser’s patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) technology, which not only protects the outer layers of your skin with a cooling burst of cryogen, but also leads to increased patient comfort for the duration of the procedure. Some patients might experience some redness and swelling, but this will go away within a few days. To minimize these or other minor side effects that could occur, patients should avoid going in the sun or using abrasive cleansers immediately after treatment. To achieve the best results, patients typically complete a series of 3-6 monthly treatments and then return for a maintenance treatment once or twice a year.

IPL Photofacial with Radio-Frequency Tightening

Treat wrinkles and unwanted sun damage

Full face: $299
Face/Neck: $350
Décolletage: $250
Hands: $99
Lower arms: $199
Full arms: $299
Lower legs: $350
Full legs: $599

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Microneedling with Radio Frequency

Microneedling with RF technology allows the RF heat to be delivered at a depth deeper than any other device. It is excellent at smoothing out the texture of your skin, minimizing fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.

What to expect: This treatment has minimal downtime, with only 6-8 hours of a mild sunburn like appearance. You can return to work the next day and apply make up within 24 hours of treatment. The pain is minimized with numbing cream and a cooling device.

Radio-Frequency Microneedling

Collagen regeneration and tightening

Series of 3: $1,450
Plasma rich Protein add-on: $299

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Sublative Skin Tightening

Smooth Out the Lines of Time with Sublative/eMatrix wrinkle reduction. This technology has been shown to effectively treat mild to moderate wrinkles, acne scars, red and brown spots, striae (stretch marks) and textural irregularities. This is truly the next generation of safe and effective rejuvenation technology.

What to expect: Treatments are done in office by one of our trained professionals. RF energy is precisely directed to the skin in the form of a matrix. Healthy skin around the dots accelerates the healing process of the skin. Post treatment, new collagen and healthy skin cells are produced. Mild to moderate wrinkles and superficial skin discolorations are reduced. The texture of your skin becomes more smooth and elastic. On average, patients require 1-3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart. Schedule an appointment to determine which skin tightening treatment is best for you.

Sublative Resurfacing

Wrinkle, pigment, and acne scar reduction

Series of 3 with post care kit: $1,300
Sublative Eyes: $250
Series of 3: $699

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triniti Plus Treatment

Total facial renewal. 3 laser treatments in the same treatment session. The complete skin program for immediate, visible and long-lasting results, triniti Plus is a treatment in 3 steps, performed sequentially, during the same office visit. With the triniti Plus skin program, color correction, texture and wrinkle treatment can all be achieved in a single session, using the elōs Plus multi-application platform.⁣

1. Color Correction: Improve uneven skin tone, sun damaged skin, spider veins and brown spots. ⁣

2. Contouring: Treat fine lines and wrinkles for smoother skin. ⁣

3. Wrinkles & texture: Target the telltale signs of aging, including jowl & neck, browlines and nasolabial folds. ⁣

Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair is a problem for both men and women. Laser hair removal is a simple and fast way to permanently reduce or remove facial or body hair. During laser hair removal, a laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat, which damages the tube-shaped sacs within the skin (hair follicles) that produce hair. This delays or stops future hair growth.

What to expect: Treatments are done in office by one of our trained professionals and usually requires a series of 5-6 treatments. The interval between treatments will vary depending on the location and desired outcome. For each treatment you’ll wear special goggles to protect your eyes from the laser beam. Depending on the type of laser, a cooling device on the tip of the instrument or a cool gel is used to protect your skin and lessen the risk of side effects. You might feel discomfort, such as a warm pinprick, and you’ll likely feel a sensation of cold from the cooling device or gel.

Our Candela Gentle Laser Pro is for all skin types. We are able to treat light, medium and dark skin tones. This works well on any hair that is medium brown to dark black. It does not work on blonde or gray hairs. Our Diode Laser is best for fair to medium skin. Schedule an appointment with our staff to determine if you are a good candidate for laser hair removal and which laser is right for you.

GentleMax Laser Hair Removal

For all skin types

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Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the face. It causes persistent redness in the cheeks, nose and chin, as well as episodes of flushing of the skin. This is often associated with acne in these areas as well.

What to expect: We also have unique and specialized treatments to offer our patients that are often unavailable to other practitioners. Our Vbeam laser has been proven to substantially reduce and often eliminate the redness of rosacea. Another unique treatment with added effects is intense pulsed light (IPL) technology used with the Vbeam laser. Schedule an appointment with our staff to determine which laser treatment is best for your skin.

Vbeam Laser

Redness, blood vessel, and rosacea reduction

Series of 3: $700

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Varicose & Spider Veins

Varicose veins are large, swollen veins that often appear on the legs and feet. They occur when the valves in the veins no longer work properly, causing the blood to flow less effectively. Spider veins are smaller vessels that are typically visible on the legs and face. Age, pregnancy, obesity, lots of standing and heredity are some common factors that play a large part in the development of varicose and spider veins.

What to expect: Our Gentle Max pro has an applicator to treat small vessels on the legs. In just 1 treatment, you will see the veins magically disappear. During your appointment, your skin will be cleaned and you will be given protective eyewear. You’ll feel a cool sensation from the gel applied and many patients refer to the pain as similar to the snapping of a rubber band against the skin. Side effects from a Candela GentleMax treatment are minimal, due to the laser’s patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) technology, which not only protects the outer layers of your skin with a cooling burst of cryogen, but also leads to increased patient comfort for the duration of the procedure. Some patients might experience some redness and swelling, but this will go away within a few days. To minimize these or other minor side effects that could occur, patients should avoid going in the sun or using abrasive cleansers immediately after treatment. Results are permanent and immediate, although some patients may have skin that is prone to these broken vessels, resulting in newly formed veins in the future. We recommend an extra level of protection with sunscreen and hats to help maintain your cleared skin.

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