San Antonio Skin and Cancer Clinic

IG-SRT Skin Cancer

We are dedicated to ensuring you know your options when it comes to skin cancer. Our physicians can counsel you on the most appropriate treatments so you can make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being.

Image-Guided Superficial Radiotherapy (IG-SRT) | Skin Cancer

Image Guided Superficial Radiotherapy [IG-SRT] is a safe and effective alternative to surgery for Squamous and Basel cell carcinomas. IG-SRT utilizes a small, portable device that delivers very low energy just below the surface of the skin. It treats only non-melanoma skin cancers and because it uses low energy radiotherapy, skin reactions are typically mild and very small — less than what is required for a chest X-Ray.

IG-SRT also has the added value of better cosmetic outcomes, no requirement for halting blood thinners, better outcomes for lower extremities, and little to no disruption in daily activities.

For more information on what to expect with IG-SRT treatment for non-melanoma skin cancers, view these commonly asked questions.

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Request an Appointment

At RFSA Dermatology, we strive to have easily available appointments at both our Castle Hills and Olmos Park locations.

Using the button below is the easiest way to request an appointment.

Alternatively, you may also call us at 210.901.9353

If you have any questions, concerns, or simply just want to drop us a line, use the form below.

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